Award: Data Integration to Estimate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Attrition and Workforce Supply: A Pilot Approach
Award Date: 8/21/2024
Project Title: Data Integration to Estimate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Attrition and Workforce Supply: A Pilot Approach Solution by The Coleridge Initiative, Inc.
Project Performer: The Coleridge Initiative, Inc.
Project Partner: The Arkansas Data Office (ARData) Arkansas Division of Higher Education
Award Amount: $528,231.00
Objective: This project seeks to develop an analytic approach that researchers, policymakers, and other interested parties can replicate when analyzing data from different sources (e.g., survey and administrative data, state and local data). This project uses an evidence-building question as a use case, seeking to understand the impact of STEM attrition on future STEM workforce supply. The project will result in a framework for replicating the study’s approaches to using disparate data sources to answer a question.
Period of Performance: August 2024 – March 2026
Point of contact: Nathan Barrett | The Coleridge Initiative, Inc. |
Award Date: 09/27/2024
Project Title: Investigating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Retention Intervention Strategies in Education for All (I-STEM RISE 4All)
Project Performer: University of Southern California
Project Partner: Los Angeles Community College District
Award Amount: $733,147.00
Objective: This project seeks to develop an analytic approach that researchers, policymakers, and other interested parties can replicate when analyzing data from different sources (e.g., survey and administrative data, state and local data). This project uses an evidence-building question as a use case, seeking to understand the impact of STEM attrition on future STEM workforce supply. The project will result in a framework for replicating the study’s approaches to using disparate data sources to answer a question.
Period of Performance: September 2024 – June 2026
Point of contact: Gisele Ragusa | University of Southern California |
Request for Solutions (closed)
RFS Release Date | Submission Due Date | Documents |
06/11/2024 | 07/02/2024 3PM ET |