Award: Utilizing Privacy Preserving Record Linkage to Link Data from Two Federal Statistical Agencies (NCSES/NCHS) (PPRL1)

Award Date: 09/27/2023
Project Number: PPRL1-23-N03
Project Title: Utilizing Privacy Preserving Record Linkage to Link Data from Two Federal Statistical Agencies (NCSES/NCHS)
Project Performers: HealthVerity, Inc., Mathematica, Inc.
Award Amount: $735,132.18
Objective: The project objectives are:

  • To develop a data sharing agreement between two federal statistical agencies.
  • To utilize a Privacy Preserving Record Linkage (PPRL) tool to link NCHS data to the NCSES Survey of Earned Doctorate (SED) through a trusted third party hosted by NCSES. This linkage would serve as an example of two federal agencies utilizing PPRL for interagency data sharing and linking which will inform future interagency initiatives.
  • To demonstrate the ability to analyze the linked data in a secure environment. The resulting linked file will be used to provide validation statistics back to NCHS to provide additional insight on the validity of the education imputation methodology.

PPRL would be used to link NCHS data to the SED. This work will highlight the ability to deploy a PPRL tool in a secure environment with a trusted third party, utilize the tool to link NCHS survey data to NCSES data, and then analyze the resulting linked file to inform the imputation methodology. The work must be completed by a CIPSEA designated agent, and the secure environment needs to meet CIPSEA and FEDRAMP standards. This work will inform linkages across the federal government, using the development of agreements and deployment of PPRL as a model to improve the availability, quality, accessibility, and interoperability of data sharing. This work will support the technical infrastructure that would be needed to allow linkages to occur quickly and efficiently for specific projects across federal agencies.

Period of Performance: September 2023 – August 2025
Point of contact: David Kwasny | HealthVerity, Inc. |

Request for Solutions (Closed)

Overview Release Date Submission Date Documents
The Government is interested in deploying a privacy preserving record linkage (PPRL) tool to link data from two federal statistical agencies and utilize a secure environment to analyze the resulting linked data file.  This effort will include a proof of concept to develop a data sharing agreement between two federal statistical agencies that have not previously developed data sharing relationships. 06/21/2023 07/12/2023